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Sunday 25 April 2010

Really? I finished it?

What have I been doing? Well, this post has been sitting in my draft since the holidays and since then  I have started two projects (more about them later) trying to make RAK things, family drama, nothing that is out of the ordinary though, catching up with my TV & been making bracelets with the kids, this in itself isn't bad, it seems that saying all that we have been quite busy but I guess too much time has passed...anyway I went to the Wool Baa to my obligatory purchase of wool as I have finished the blanket for the girl and she loves it, tonight she said that she was going to cuddle it in bed, awww!

and I learnt how to do a picot stitch which I hadn't planned at the start of the blanket but it does look pretty, even though the picture that I took doesn't really show it off very well :)

So more sorting out, I tried to save the other blanket that I did for the girl but there was nothing to do for it so I have pulled it apart and decide to donate them to someone who can actually use them :)

I have been to the library and got several books for crochet, I did get a beginners guide to quilting but I don't think it was very good and it wasn't very practical either, maybe I will have better luck next time.

I have been practicing my squares and with that I have been doing a lap blanket, it is called a lapghan in the States and I really do get some funny looks when I call it that  over here ;) anyway it's for Nanna because it's not nice falling asleep in front of the TV and feeling cold in the afternoon and I think we are both running out of things to get her for her Christmas/Birthday.

Seeing how it looked in DK, with two colours.

    Chunky wool should lead to a quick work up.

I have got a while, probably not that long to finish it but at least it has been started. I also started the cardigan for the girl, considering I have never done anything like this before I think it has been going quite well - well i did have to go into The Wool Baa to find out what 'on a thread' meant, you would of thought it would have been easier to say 'put rest of the of the stitches on a stitch marker' okay, maybe not but at least I would know what it meant. [pic]
  Getting ready to post out a thing for UK RAK but I can't tell you who it is for because it's a secret ;)