After Easter break the Craft Angels knitting/crochet group was back on and to be quite honest I did quite miss it, all the socialising, it makes me feel a little less cut off from the world, even though I'm sure that all my skills at communication with others have gone out the window and has been replaced with some sort of imbicilic, dribbling mess of a woman, but it was all good because there was a new person did?
Yes I swear, I scared the bejesus out of the poor woman, so imagine what happened when she said that she said that she knew how to spin, yes there was a total meltdown from me ;) so she was ever so good and showed me how to she showed me how to do it which is a major bonus for me because I thought I was never get the hang of I have a pink blanket that looks already to be going wonky, the granny squares which I started a couple of days ago as I got the wool and found the hook I needed I finally asked Martin to go to the library (he was going to go anyway) and get any crochet books and he came back with7-day Afghans, there are some nice ones and then I relised that it was an American author so adapting a-hoy!!I also went a bit mad because there was a book that was under £5 and I felt I desperately needed it, is that a sign of being a shop-a-holic? well I hope not because I don't think my bank balance could stand it! Anyway I think this is another American book, the author Kim Kotary is on Facebook and I am guessing Ravelry too but I haven't checked.