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Tuesday 21 July 2009

Eat you heart out Kirsty Allsopp

I have finally made a - well sort of square in crochet, it does look a bit wonky, but I'm guessing that's some sort of tension issue and that will only get better with time. How I did it? I thought I would give it another try, as the circle went okay but messy.

  • Anyway, I cast on...do you use the word cast on? I think it's make a chain

  • Make a slip knot with your right hand, hook in your left, making sure that there is about ½ centimetre gap from the crochet hook to the wool.

  • Wrap the wool around from the back and pull it through, so that the wool crosses over and you are able to pull it through easily. This is your first chain.

  • Make 15 chains, then a put your hook back to the penultimate chain where you can pull wool though both hoops. go to the end using this method.

  • Turn your square around with the wool in the right hand making sure you do not tangle the wool (take the hook out if you need to).

  • add one chain and repeat to the end of the row.
  • When you get to the end add another chain. Continue until you have got a square shape.

  • To finish off, cut the wool and thread it back through a couple of loops with a tapestry needle.

If you don't get the description that I used to help me, have this to help you along too.