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Tuesday 4 August 2009

Watchmen - The director's cut (2009)

Not one of my usual films, mainly because I haven't really been into the whole comic book thing but I watched the film and it wasn't too bad, well some of it anyway, there was indecency (a blue schlong from Dr Manhattan), the cleaver in the head was a turn away moment for me as was the hot fat in the face and the cutting off of the arms from Rorschach's prison cell, and it did go on a bit longer than I expected and did find myself wanting to get up and get myself a drink in the sexed-up bit.

On the bonus side, the dialogue was good and easy enough to follow, it even sounded to me that text from the comic was used, the choreography was intense and enjoyable to watch and I really thought it was Robert Downey Jr, rather than Jeffrey Dean Morgan playing the comedian, which was really good because I usually guess who the actor is before my honey does and the last thing was that I loved the makeup for Nixon, it looked so like him.