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Tuesday 4 August 2009

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)

We watched this last night and it was okay, it was more of the same of The Mummy franchise but thought it was watchable. Rick O'Connor's (Brendan Fraser) wife is played by a different actress,(Maria Bella) her brother Jonathan played by John Hannah and Alex (Luke Ford) who to me, looks like Jack Black and Mark Wahlberg rolled into one. Jet Li is also playing the bad guy - I'm sure he gets scarier every time I see him play a different character. The nice thing about this film was the fact when he Emperor Han is raised all he speaks is Chinese and although there were not any subtitles in the whole film when people are speaking Chinese, you got the gist about what was going on and it didn't distract from the massive explosions, CGI that was trying too hard to be something special and corny dialogue, in fact I would say it enhanced it.